

Norway: extremism, deadly and anti-humane

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Norway: extremism, deadly and anti-humane

Moments after the bloodiest attacks in Norway took place leaving behind at least 93 people dead and several injured the brutality of Friday’s attacks left the country reeling. Many media circles rushed to make conclusions about “Norway’s 9/11” by suggesting that there was a link between the horrific attacks and Muslim extremists or Jihadists.

Still, despite the initial lack of evidence shortly after the attack, and a growing pile of evidence pointing to the contrary- some still continued to look for a Jihadist connection to the massacre. Some even looked for a link between the attacks and the anger that erupted after a Danish newspaper published cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed in 2005.

Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper The Sun reported on its front page: “Al Qaeda Massacre: Norway’s 9/11″, while The Wall Street Journal posted an editorial with references on Islam taking about the depicting photos of the prophet Mohammed by the Danish Newspaper.

Only later was the news released that the suspect was apparently a conservative right wing Christian with strong anti Muslim and anti immigration beliefs. Anders Behring Breivik, 32, green-eyed, and blond terrorist gained access to the island of Utoya and killed scores of people in the bloodiest attacks in the Norwegian history.

Breivik has been arrested under Norway’s terrorism laws and will likely face a maximum sentence of 21 years in prison when he is formally charged on Monday.

The attack in Norway shows that extremism, whether of Islamic or Christian variety, is deadly and anti-humane. Extremists are driven by the principles of hate, which they create, from their own understanding of global affair, that has no real association to the religion they claim to be part of. In that sense, the religious extremism which is wreaking chaos across the world is more rooted in social and political factors than religious teachings. Terrorists have always relied on religious texts to justify their monstrous acts.

If the revolutions sweeping the Arab world is a defining moment in the history of modern world, the Norwegian attack is of the same sort. It shows how anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant hatred in the West has become a major threat to the peace of the region. European leaders will have to address the issue on a priority basis, and it’s not easy because the anti-immigrant feelings are very strong in most European countries.

Norway is known as a land of peace and tranquility, where it is not uncommon to see even ministers walking through the streets. That sense of security has been crushed. In fact, an evaluation of the decade of the war on terrorism contains important lessons for the future of counter terrorism and homeland security.

Επιμέλεια: J.J.

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